Speed up the Internet

Wow, this internet connection is fast.
Surfing the Net can be fast, efficient and fun but there are things to do:

1. Clean junk files (Follow pages, three parts)
4. Clear Viruses and Bugs (Follow pages, 2 parts)
5. Speed up the Internet

This article will focus on speeding up your internet connection.

If you really want to see a serious boost in internet speed here is a video that will show you how.  The settings changed work for Vista, 7 and even a change in 8 (although not as drastic).  Sorry does not work for XP.

BLING! Faster Internet!  I hope you enjoy these posts, as always more to come.  Video by BTO "You ain't seen nothin' yet."  (Just for fun). There is so much more and I hope you see this speeding up thing is a step by step thing and will take time but is well worth the effort.

Next Post - Using Smart Defrag

Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on May 13, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 31, 2015

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