Version 3
Download and Install IOBit's Smart Defrag (free) from Major Geeks. This little goodie does
wonders to keep your hard disks organized and running quick.
A newer version has been recently released improving upon the GUI (Graphic User Interface) and an additional defrag option is listed.
Before we begin let's change some of the default settings. Take note of the location of my mouse hovering over the options section, click it.
Click off the first two options to save RAM. As with many software programs you install take a moment to make sure you change default settings and be careful as you install software to not click next without reading each window checking off items to make sure you are not installing anything you really d not need.
Start by choosing the Defrag option then go through the list:
Defrag, Defrag & Fast Optimize, Defrag & Fully Optimize, Defrag & Prioritize Files (Slow). Take time to do each, it is worth your time. Select the "Shutdown PC after Defragmentation" option lets you be away from your computer when complete. So you can do this while doing errands or at the end of the day.
Next Post - Optimize Boot Time
Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on May 1, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 31, 2015