To speed up your internet connection and make
that slow computer run faster removing external connections and hackers is paramount. When you connect to a site information is traveling to and from your computer. Then there are those
"pesky" hackers. Hacking can be simple and no one is immune. The good news is you can protect yourself.
Bling!!!!!!!!! You just cleared your net connection and reset it. To review:
Next Blog: Bug Scanners
There is no such thing as a totally secure network! Anyone who says otherwise is not telling you the truth or just plain does not know otherwise. When you connect to the internet, you are connecting to a network. When you do this you open your computer for anyone who knows how to access everything in your machine (or
any computer you may have connected to your own personal or business network).
Let's keep this simple. Do not panic but act. Like anything to do with computers start small and work up from there. Together we will empower you to not only speed up that slow computer but protect yourself in the process.
Let's say you log into Facebook and your forget to log out by clicking the X out option on your browser. The connection with Facebook still exists in the background function of your internet connection. Always remember your internet connection is a two way street. Also, programs running in the background (and there are many) will often have a two way connection
with the net. There is an incredibly simple way to clear and reset your internet connection so that your net "surfing" is fun, informative, engaging and safe.
As noted in CCleaner make a note of the steps below and bookmark this page to return later. Save anything you may be working on and close all open programs because you will be clearing and resetting your internet connection. Follow the instructions carefully and all will be well.
On your keyboard touch the Windows logo key (to the right of your Ctrl key) and R together which will bring up the Run box.
Type cmd just to the right of "Open:" and left click OK. You may have to Grant Administrative Privileges depending on your version of Windows (Vista, 7 and 8) and the User Account Control settings you may have.
When the DOS Prompt window opens enter "netstat -ano" without the quotations and press the Enter" key.
What you will see is a window that appears as these images. Please note that I have made two images of one screen to protect the identity of my computer as referenced below the Local Address series of numbers.
Below the Foreign Address column under the numbers are all the computers currently connected to yours. If you entered in your browser's address bar Google would come up. This number is known as the IP Address.
*FYI is known as the Local Host and system administrators and application developers commonly use it to test applications.*
*FYI is known as the Local Host and system administrators and application developers commonly use it to test applications.*
Now to clear and reset your net connection. Remember: if you follow instructions carefully all will be well.
Scroll to the bottom of your Command Prompt Window where you see the flashing cursor. Enter the following text without the quotes
Scroll to the bottom of your Command Prompt Window where you see the flashing cursor. Enter the following text without the quotes
"ipconfig /release"
and hit Enter on your keyboard (the space between ipconfig and /release is essential). When the cursor appears enter the following text without the quotes
and hit Enter on your keyboard (the space between ipconfig and /release is essential). When the cursor appears enter the following text without the quotes
"ipconfig /renew"
and again hit Enter on your keyboard. During this process you will see your internet icon to the left of your clock (bottom far right AKA "Task Bar") turn off and reset itself.
and again hit Enter on your keyboard. During this process you will see your internet icon to the left of your clock (bottom far right AKA "Task Bar") turn off and reset itself.
"ipconfig /renew"
and again hit Enter on your keyboard.
Enter "netstat -ano" without the quotes and check to see there are no Foreign connections to your computer.
Bling!!!!!!!!! You just cleared your net connection and reset it. To review:
1. Open the Command Prompt Window.
2. Netstat-ano
3. Status of net connection
4. ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
5. Double check your connection
Every so often when all your programs are closed and you are not surfing the net do this as part of your regular maintenance schedule.
For best results reset your net connection in "Safe Mode." Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7: Reboot Machine hitting F8 until you start up DOS Screen, select "Safe Mode with Networking."
Windows 8 & 8.1 Hold the shift key and select Restart. You will then be lead to Advanced Start up Options. Choose the same, "Safe Mode with Networking."
Next Blog: Bug Scanners
Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on March 31, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 30, 2015