
My favorite cleaner to date is CCleaner, aka Crap Cleaner. Link to CCleaner. Download and install. 

When installing software be careful not to install extra software, toolbars or be side tracked by ads.  Watch your clicks of the "NEXT" BUTTON. Too many of us are prone to "click-i-tous. A click here, a click there and boom a slow computer.

Before you proceed read carefully, make a note of the steps involved or print out this page then bookmark this site because CCleaner will ask you to close your browser window before it can do its thing.  Then you can easily return.  Otherwise you may not be able to get back here.

With this tasty piece of software you can really get an idea of how many useless files we deal with on a regular basis.  However, because we all have different ways of doing the same thing, one person's junk could be another person's gold so use this tool according to your needs.

Scroll and select as many items as you wish, the more you choose the more you delete.  You can, click the "Analyze" button and this will show you what will be deleted without actually doing so.  If you select "Run Cleaner" BAM the files are gone.  In this example I have shown you the bare bones basics as CCleaner would look after a fresh install.  I personally select all options except for "Wipe Free Space."  Choose wisely!  If for example you choose "Saved Passwords" all stored passwords in your browser are deleted.  A brilliant security precaution but if not remembered or written down you are hooped.  Write down your passwords and store an extra copy in a safe place.

Here you can see the results of the scan and what was deleted. A very basic introduction to CCleaner.

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Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on March 31, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on Updated on March 30, 2015

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