IOBit Startup Manager

Using IOBit tool box Startup Manager to reduce items that load into system RAM when your computer is turned on goes a long way to optimize your Windows computer.
Goto IObit toolbox from Major and install this tasty piece of software if you have not already done so.  I suggest you check out my earlier blogs about this tool as listed in the SiteLinks list below.
IOBit Toolbox Opening Window
Open IOBit Toolbox and select "Optimize."

How to Open IOBit's StartUp Manager
Click "Startup Manager."
Items in the StartUp Menu
The items listed here that are "Enabled" are what loads when you startup your computer.  Your computer's list will vary from this.  Before you proceed take time to consider what you want your computer to do when it loads.  Removing items from here will not delete them from your computer, you will still be able to access them from short-cuts on your desktop, Start Menu or wherever you have installed them to. 
Optimally, the fewer you have in this list the better.
Some things you may need depending on what you use your computer for.

Well known programs have suggestions as to whether it is needed or not as listed under "Evaluation."  Some may not be evaluated.  If you turn them off, they can be turned on later by returning to this Startup Manager.
In the bottom right corner is a more in-depth explanation of the software location and what it does.  Read this area as you decide what to keep or remove.  Experiment and adjust according to your needs.
How to turn off startup programs
Slide the "Status" button from On to Off.

Switching Items Off in IOBit's StartUp Manager
This item has a more detailed "Evaluation" explanation reminding you it is safe to disable it. 

Switching Items Off in IOBit's StartUp Manager
Again slide the "Status" button left to Off.  Continue down the list of Startup Items and when complete a reboot of your computer is a good idea.  If you need, open Startup Manager again and change your selections.

As always the tuning and tweaking of your computer is just like that of a car.  The tires may be in perfect condition and top of the line but if the motor oil is breaking down your vehicle will not behave itself.  So it is with your computer, as we clean, tweak and optimize your system you will notice improvement along the way and over time you will be thrilled at learning new techniques to master your machine.  In fact, if you are thorough you will see your computer behave better than when you bought it.  Stick with it and take the time to save time.  You will be so glad you did.

Next Post - Remove Hackers

Posted by: Nate Chambers on July 25, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 31, 2015

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