IOBit Registry Cleaner Toolbox start screen
Goto IObit toolbox from Major and install this tasty piece of software.  It comes as a .zip file so unpack it to a folder of your choice and remember where it is.  Link "Toolbox.exe" to your desktop because you will want to use it often.  It is an all in one program that will combined with all the other tips I have posted guide you to a sweet running Windows computer.  There is so much to this program that I will write an article for each of the tools within toolbox showing you how to use each of them.  This snapshot above shows which pieces of the software I use most often. When you first load this program the "Recently" window will be blank. toolbox Clean window
In the left panel select "Clean" then select "Registry Cleaner".  This registry cleaner is IMHO (In my humble opinion) by far the best.  Of the many I have used, this has never once caused any of the systems I have fixed any trouble.  Note: BEWARE of other registry cleaners they can seriously harm your machines. Registry Cleaner
On your taskbar a separate window will open (click it) and off the hop two windows appear.  The most prominent window has the keys of the registry the tool will scan.  For best results scroll to the bottom of the list and check-mark "Deep Scan."  Then click "Scan" (to the left of the "Close" button.

iobit toolbox registry cleaner in progress
The progress bar will zip along as the keys of the registry are being scanned

IOBit Registry Cleaner Scan Complete Window
When the scan is complete a list similar to the one above will appear.  Select the check-box to the left of "Type" to select all the items.  Do not be surprised if you see several hundred or more entries and on the first run it may take a minute or two to process. Registry Cleaner - select Start fixing
Upon completion select "Start fixing" Registry Cleaner Fix Now option
 Click "Fix Now" Registry Cleaner problems fixed
When the "Fix Now" button is chosen the registry is backed up and the keys found are removed.

Next Post -  IOBit Privacy Sweeper

Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on June 18, 2013
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 31, 2015

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