From this time forward I will refer to the plethora of infections and "nasties" you can download and have slow down your computer as "bugs."
In all my years of experience to date the best most comprehensive first scan is Malwarebytes, available in a several packages depending on your needs. Free, or paid Home or Business
editions give you what you need. In this example I will explain the free version. You have to manually scan your machine each time you use it. If you like what this program offers
I suggest buying the paid version applicable for you.
- Keep in mind no one program covers all bugs. New bugs are being made right at the moment you are reading this. So start with Malwarebytes and I will guide you to more in later posts.
The video below explains how to install and run Malwarebytes. Watch it first to get familiar with the instructions then do them on your machine. I suggest you run this weekly or a
minimum of once a month. Always run a full scan and do so while you are doing other things in life because it can take considerable time depending on the size of your hard drive and the speed
of your computer.
Next Post - ADW Cleaner
Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on April 20, 2013