More Cleaning

As with all cleaning and optimizing software there is no one fix all.  A combination is needed to achieve a quick machine.  As well in cleaning more junk files, scan times for malware and bugs takes less time.

Goto and download Junkware Removal Tool.  It cleans a number of insidious toolbars and nasty pop-ups including Babylon and Conduit Search Engines.  

Junk Removal Tool Analysis

Junk Removal Log
Next, goto this link and download TFC (short for Temp File Cleaner)

Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer

Temp File Cleaner Log File

The beauty of this little piece of software is that it cleans all folders and accounts.  It can take some time depending on how clean or not your computer is so be patient.  Once complete, restart your computer.

Originally posted by: Nate Chambers on May, 28, 2014
Windows COmputer OPtimization Updated on March 31, 2015

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